Importance of a Heavy Duty Wheel Wash (or Wheel Wash Bath)

Having a truck wheel wash system that meets Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) requirements for all vehicles entering then leaving your project or business site is important to control mud and spoil, stop seed or noxious weed migration, remove contaminants such as coal, grain, grease, oil, fertiliser or metals and to prevent airborne dust.

The other reason why it’s so important is that it helps to keep nearby public roads clean.

  • Mitigating risk by installing a heavy duty wheel wash system with a rumble grid will ensure that legal requirements are being met along with a reduction in costs as environmental hazards are reduced and road sweeping is less likely. Meaning a wheel wash system is a cost effective solution for many work sites.

Drive-Through Truck Wheel Wash System

Choosing a mobile or permanent truck wheel wash depends on the requirements of your budget and site. PR Water Australia truck wheel wash solutions

Whether you choose to rent or purchase is also an important decision, but with so many options out there to remove dirt and contaminants for your fleet of heavy to light vehicles, it’s important to choose a state of the art system that can handle a high volume of vehicles per day (200+) that is able to recycle and reuse the water.

  • The installation of your truck wheel wash system can be above or below ground, depending on which wheel wash solution you choose.
  • The main advantage of choosing a drive-through wheel wash system is that it’s efficient in that the vehicle passes a sensor and the wheel wash is activated immediately (this can also be described as ‘plug and play’). The high volume flow of water then washes sludge and slurry off the tyres and undercarriage into a collection tank where the sedimentation process is activated with flocculants. Once sedimentation is complete, the solids are removed and the clean water is recycled and reused.



  • PR Water’s project approach includes an efficient but comprehensive consultation and testing process that ensures a proposal is designed specifically for your project’s needs, environmental requirements and budget.

  • Our range of equipment is available for long or short term rental and is also available for sale. The PR Water range of water & environmental equipment is strong, cost effective, mobile and is designed to be flexible to your project’s needs.
Project Success

  • Project Management
  • Treatment System Design
  • On Site Training & Process Support
  • On Site Operation

  • Onsite Maintenance
  • Sampling and Monitoring
  • Online Monitoring
  • Dosing Optimisation
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